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Looking backward...


Although Egyptology has a long history, from the Greeks (Herodotus) and Romans (Ammianus Marcellinus) to the present, modern Egyptology can be said to have begun with Napoleon's Expedition to Egypt. The production of the monumental [no pun intended] "Description de l'Egypte" ignited European interest and Champollion's decipherment of Hieroglyphic Egyptian set the science on a firm basis.
P.S. This is just a test script to fill this spot - forgive the content.

My Background

My interest in Egyptology has spanned several decades.  Beginning with "Boy of the Pyramids" when I was 8.  I studied Gardiner and every other book a teenager could afford in High School and went to UCLA and studied Egyptology with John Callender in the '70s, earning a BA and MA there.  I transferred to the University of Chicago in 1977 and studied with E.F. Wente, J. Johnson, K. Baer, and G.R. Hughes.  I was admitted to candidacy for a PhD in 1980, but my career took a right turn and I never completed the dissertation. I finished doing my research, but never got around to finishing writing it.  My interest, however, never failed, and now I am pursuing this avenue to share tools I have created or modified, and to make texts available in a computer readable format.

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